
Ozzy Osbourne

Score: 3
Played: 29


Diary of a Madman



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[Verse 1] Now I'll find peace of mind Finally found a way of thinking Tried the rest, found the best Stormy day won't find me sinking [Chorus] I can't conceal it like I knew I did before I got to tell you now, the ship is ready Waiting on the shore [Verse 2] Dare to look, face the test On the eve when you set sailing What you've learned, what you've earned Ship of joy will stop you failing [Chorus] [Vesre 3] Wind is high, so am I As the shore sinks in the distance Dreams unfold, seek the gold Gold that's brighter than the sunlight Sail away, see the day Dawning on a new horizon Gold's in sight, shining bright Brighter than the sun that's rising Three thousand sails on high are straining in the wind A raging sea below Is this voyage coming to an end?