Why am I not able to skip every song? (without using Beats)

We are here to respect others’ tastes in music and be open to discovering a brand new music dimension.

  • You can skip your songs.
  • As a room owner, you can also skip songs played by BeatSense.
  • Any song can be skipped by a majority of 3 down-votes.
  • Why do you allow people to skip any song using Beats?

  • Purchasing Beats ($5) is our best way to certify a person's intentions.
  • Skipping other’s songs in exchange for beats will be done more wisely.
  • How do I get Beats?

  • Click the lightning bolt at the top right, and then hit the "Get Beats" button.
  • What if someone is spamming with an abusive video?

  • You can down-vote it to -3, and it will be drafted out.
  • The room's admin can ban
  • You can call for a BeatSense admin by hitting the “SENSE” button at your screen's bottom right.
  • What are my privileges as the room owner?

  • Control the room settings (genres, theme, name, description, etc.)
  • Block the playlist so you will be the only one who can add music.
  • Pause the playlist anytime.
  • Control the auto-music settings
  • Have an influence on others.
  • Assign admins.
  • Ban people.
  • Is BeatSense yet another music streaming service that will be shut down as others did in the past? (RIP turntable.fm.)

    No. We have learned from others’ mistakes, and we are here to stay!

    I really like BeatSense, how can I contribute?

    Thank you! We would appreciate it if you could:

  • Purchase some Beats from time to time.
  • Like and follow (and share?) our Facebook and Twitter pages.
  • Help to spread the word about BeatSense!
  • How frequently are you releasing new features?

    Almost every day! You might not notice them all (some are not even visual). We are continuously working hard, acknowledging your feedback, and coming up with cool new features (while keeping the interface slick and minimalistic).

    Who are you guys?

    We are a bunch of music and technology enthusiasts. We are visioned to combine these two and bring you the best music experience ever, for free. Check out our About page.

    In a case of a third world war, will BeatSense be safe?

    Yes! We will defend it with our bodies!

    Still having questions?
    Shoot us an email! ilove@beatsense.com