{{room.name}}, by

Music to Study and Write to

Everything goes!

{{$root.roomKindGlobally}} Description

Music to listen to while you work on your next novel or whatever. Feel free to share what project you're working on today! Instrumental only NO WORDS. Music with vocals will be SKIPPED even if it's a great song! 勉強や仕事中に聴く音楽。 歌詞のある音楽は禁止。楽器のみ使用可能。 楽しい時間をお過ごし! https://mynoise.net is another great source for unobtrusive background music!

{{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s of interest to check

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Music to Study and Write to
"Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try." - Mary Kay Ash