{{room.name}}, by

Vocaloid or Any songs! ボカロ他オールジャンル! 雑談&放置ごじゆるり~

Everything goes!

{{$root.roomKindGlobally}} Description

feel free to play cool music! 出入りDJごじゆるり~♪ feel free to exit and re enter!  don't have to chat, use as back ground music like playing games or work or study! 作業やBGMにもどうぞ!チャットも気ままに!無言でもおしゃべりでもOK! でも仲良く! Owner roku speak ENG and JP ! world wide cool music wanted! and usually hang around other rooms too lol 部屋者rokuはよく他の部屋にふらつくのがデフォなので気にしないで下さい:)

{{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s of interest to check

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Vocaloid or Any songs! ボカロ他オールジャンル! 雑談&放置ごじゆるり~
"Droplets of yes and no, in an ocean of maybe." - Faith No More