
unravel feat. Hatsune Miku

Score: 7
Played: 156



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“teach me, teach me, that mechanism Is there someone inside of me? It broke, it broke in this world You laugh, when you don’t see anything The broken me stops breathing Won’t come apart, no I won’t come apart Uncover the truth -freeze- Let it break, won’t let it break Let it drive you mad, don’t let it drive you mad I find you In this shaken and distorted world, I, (alone), become transparent, invisible No one can find me, don’t stare at me In this world that someone has drawn I don’t want to hurt you So please remember me Brilliantly (as in vivid and clear) ^the part that is in the OP. Below is the rest of the full version Spreading out infinitely, isolation becomes entwined Laughed innocently, memories got stuck Cannot move, can’t come apart Cannot move, can’t come apart Cannot move, I can’t come apart -unravelling the world- Became transformed (this could also be used as the word strange or wrong), I couldn’t change Two became intertwined, the two perish Let it break, won’t let it break Let it drive me mad, won’t let it drive me mad I will not hurt you In this shaken and distorted world, I, (alone), become transparent, invisible No one can find me, don’t stare at me In this isolated trap that someone created Before my future becomes unraveled Please remember me Brilliantly Don’t forget, don’t forget Don’t forget, don’t forget -Paralyze- the things that have changed -Paradise- only the things that cannot change Please remember me Tell me, tell me Is there someone inside of me?”