Never Too Late

Three Days Grace

Score: 132
Played: 2130



Released: 19 Jun 2009


wikipedia excerpt "The video begins with a little girl getting out of bed and dancing in a circle with her parents. Suddenly, the scene cuts to a woman struggling with nurses in a psychiatric hospital, then going back into a room with the little girl and her parents dancing. The scene cuts back to the little girl; her parents let go of her hands and leave, and a man in a sweater approaches her and smiles, then touches her shoulder. The video then begins to cut rapidly back and forth between the woman being restrained in the mental institution and the girl dancing with her parents, who now have tape over their eyes. During this back and forth, the leather restraints turn into arms, bearing the same sleeves as the man in the sweater. The video goes back to the little girl hiding underneath her bed as the man in the sweater flips it. Suddenly the girl and the man are sitting in a similar position as earlier in the video, but the man is frozen and the girl walks towards the camera. Feathers begin to fall from the top of the screen and a man in black with large black wings is shown. The video momentarily cuts back to the institution, where the woman watches a butterfly fly around on numerous medical instruments. The scene once again shifts back to the little girl, who is now sitting in bed with a large amount of black hand prints on and around her; the camera slowly pans out to show the man in the sweater, his hands covered in black paint. The scene suddenly shifts to the man with wings struggling with the man in the sweater as the little girl watches from her bed and black feathers fall on her. The scene shifts back to the mental institution, where feathers are similarly falling on the woman. Her restraints disappear in the form of the man's hands letting go of her. She curls into a ball for several moments, then gets out of bed and walks into the camera,while the feathers form the silhouette of wings around her"


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[Verse 1] This world will never be what I expected And if I don't belong, who would have guessed it? I will not leave alone everything that I own To make you feel like it's not too late It's never too late [Chorus] Even if I say it'll be alright Still I hear you say you want to end your life Now and again we try to just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late It's never too late [Verse 2] No one will ever see the side reflected And if there's something wrong, who would have guessed it? And I have left alone everything that I own To make you feel like it's not too late It's never too late [Chorus] Even if I say it'll be alright Still I hear you say you want to end your life Now and again we try to just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late It's never too late [Bridge] The world we knew won't come back Time we've lost, can't get back Life we had won't be ours again This world will never be what I expected And if I don't belong [Chorus] Even if I say it'll be alright Still I hear you say you want to end your life Now and again we try to just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late It's never too late Maybe we'll turn it all around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late (It's never too late) It's not too late It's never too late