The Rake's Song

The Decemberists

Score: 22
Played: 35


We All Raise Our Voices to the Air (Live Songs 04.11 - 08.11)

Released: 06 Mar 2009


A tale of young marriage, a sudden discontent spurred on by the joint deaths of a mother and newborn, leading to delightfully angry infanticide.


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[Verse 1] I had entered into a marriage In the summer of my twenty-first year And the bells rang for our wedding Only now do I remember it clear Alright, alright, alright [Verse 2] No more a rake and no more a bachelor I was wedded and it whetted my thirst Until her womb start spilling out babies Only then did I reckon my curse Alright, alright, alright Alright, alright, alright [Verse 3] First came Isaiah with his crinkled little fingers Then came Charlotte and that wretched girl Dawn Ugly Myfanwy died on delivery Mercifully taking her mother along Alright, alright, alright [Verse 4] What can one do when one is widower Shamefully saddled with three little pests All that I wanted was the freedom of a new life So my burden I began to divest Alright, alright, alright Alright, alright, alright [Verse 5] Charlotte I buried after feeding her foxglove Dawn was easy, she was drowned in the bath Isaiah fought but was easily bested Burned his body for incurring my wrath Alright, alright, alright [Verse 6] And that's how I came your humble narrator To be living so easy and free Expect that you think that I should be haunted But it never really bothers me Alright, alright, alright Alright, alright, alright