
Richie Havens

Score: 28
Played: 1540


Grace of the Sun



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[Chorus] Follow the drinking gourd, follow the drinking gourd For the old man is a-waitin' to carry you to freedom Follow the drinking gourd [Verse 1] When the sun goes back and the first quail calls Follow the drinking gourd The old man is a-waitin' for to carry you to freedom Follow the drinking gourd [Chorus] Follow the drinking gourd, follow the drinking gourd For the old man is a-waitin' to carry you to freedom Follow the drinking gourd [Verse 2] Now the river bed makes a mighty fine road Dead trees to show you the way And it's left foot, peg foot, traveling on Follow the drinking gourd [Chorus] Follow the drinking gourd, follow the drinking gourd For the old man is a-waitin' to carry you to freedom Follow the drinking gourd [Verse 3] The river ends between two hills Follow the drinking gourd There's another river on the other side Follow the drinking gourd [Chorus] Follow the drinking gourd, follow the drinking gourd For the old man is a-waitin' to carry you to freedom Follow the drinking gourd