Machine Gun


Score: 22
Played: 72



Released: 29 May 2008


"I had a dream that we had these really hard analogue sequences, this chopped–up, brutal kind of noise. Geoff and I talked about it, but this came from him. He's very original with his beats. We sampled a terrible old organ [an Orla Tiffany 4]. Beth wrote this hymn–like song which contrasts with the brutal beats. Then it ends with that John Carpenter kind of synth — that's the Siel Orchestra. I'd love to see an American marching band do it." -Adrian Utley


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[Verse 1] I saw a savior, a savior come my way I thought I'd see it at the cold light of day But now, I realize that I'm only for me [Chorus] If only I could see You turn myself to me And recognize the poison in my heart There is no other place No one else I face The remedy to agree With how I feel [Verse 2] Here in my reflecting, what more can I say? For I am guilty for the voice that I obey Too scared to sacrifice a choice chosen for me [Chorus] If only I could see You turn myself to me And recognize the poison in my heart There is no other place No one else I face The remedy to agree With how I feel