Synthetic Memories

Pleasure Nature

Score: 4
Played: 40


Synthetic Memories



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I see the sun rise It makes you smile You dream of freedom but you've been dying for a while Purple curtains cover eyes No need to ever go outside Nothing ever changes here Except the times that disappear Synthetic memories That we can keep Synthetic lips that Kiss you to sleep Synthetic memories That we can keep Synthetic lips that Kiss you to sleep You hold the bath tub Your stomach opens The sunlight falls out as it sets into the ocean Purple curtains cover eyes No need to ever go outside Nothing ever changes here Except the times that dissapear Synthetic memories That we can’t keep Synthetic lips that Kiss you to sleep Synthetic memories That we can’t keep Synthetic lips that Kiss you to sleep I see the moon stay Still for hours You're stuck daydreaming, decomposing in the flowers Purple curtains cover eyes No need to ever go outside Nothing ever changes here Except the times that disappear Synthetic memories That we can keep Synthetic lips that Kiss you to sleep Synthetic lips that We can keep Synthetic lips that Kiss you to sleep