Forgotten Coast


Score: 7
Played: 83


Complicated Game



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[Verse 1] Down the highway South I'll go Wewahitchka to Port St. Joe I'm gonna walk the beach with a pirate's ghost We'll haunt that old forgotten coast [Verse 2] I'm gonna trade my car and change my name Put Wesson Oil in my bar and chain I'm gonna fix a road-kill black bear roast And get fat on that forgotten coast [Chorus 1] No one's gonna find me there With my steel guitar and my rockin' chair Among the seafood shacks and oyster boats I'll hide out on that forgotten coast [Instrumental] [Chorus 2] No one's gonna find me there With my fishin' pole and my rockin' chair Tell the one I'll miss the most "He's down on that forgotten coast" [Verse 1] Down the highway South I'll go Wewahitchka to Port St. Joe I'm gonna walk the beach with a pirate's ghost We'll haunt that old forgotten coast [Verse 3] I'm gonna cut my hair and change my name And when the Percodan won't touch the pain Tell the one I'll miss the most "He's gone down that forgotten coast" [Outro] Tell the one I'll miss the most "He's down on that forgotten coast"