It's Not Real

Hazel English

Score: 4
Played: 7


Just Give In / Never Going Home

Most played on:


Dream pop
Female vocalists
Indie pop



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[Verse 1] Driven by fantasy How do I get back to it once again But the dream is all I have I try to recreate the image In my head it's all I see But the flaws are all that's left [Chorus] All our lives We just keep searching For what does not exist When will I Be willing to finally admit It's not real [Verse 1] It's tempting to predict The future but it's futile all the same The past is all we have And every time I try to Replicate the signals in my brain The flaws are all that's left [Chorus] All our lives We just keep searching For what does not exist When will I Be willing to finally admit It's not real [Bridge] What am I doing? Why am I trying to forget you? [Chorus] All our lives We just keep searching For what does not exist When will I Be willing to finally admit It's not real