
Eric Clapton

Score: 55
Played: 1224



Released: 12 Nov 2009


This " nasty" grrove is cool and hot...It has the London Orchestra playing strings in the background and it grooves and grinds. Pilgrim appears on the Lethal Weapon 4 soundtrack.


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[Verse 1] And how do I choose and where do I draw the line Between truth and necessary pain? And how do I know and where do I get my belief That things will be all right again? What words do I use to try and explain To those who've witnessed all my tears? And what does it mean to know all these things When love's been wasted all these years When love's been wasted all these years [Pre-Chorus] Standing in the shadows With my heart right in my hand Removed from all the people Who could never understand [Chorus] I was a pilgrim for your love A pilgrim for your love I was a pilgrim for your love A pilgrim for your love [Verse 2] It's like living in a nightmare Like looking in the blackest hole Like standing on the edge of nothing Completely out of control Now where have I been all these years And how come I just couldn't see? Like a blind man walking around in darkness I was a pilgrim for your love I was a pilgrim for your love [Pre-Chorus][x2] [Chorus][x2]