Boulder to Birmingham

Emmylou Harris

Score: 48
Played: 138


Pieces of the Sky

Released: 28 Dec 2009


Emmylou Harris' clear rich voice perfectly matches her fine guitar playing in this sad soft country music song.


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[Verse 1] I don't want to hear a love song I got on this airplane just to fly And I know there's life below me But all that it can show me is the prairie and the sky [Verse 2] And I don't want to hear a sad story Full of heartbreak and desire The last time I felt like this I was in the wilderness and the canyon was on fire [Pre-Chorus 1] And I stood on the mountain In the night and I watched it burn I watched it burn, I watched it burn [Chorus] I would rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham I would hold my life in his saving grace I would walk all the way from Boulder to Birmingham If I thought I could see, I could see your face [Verse 3] Well, you really got me this time And the hardest part is knowing I'll survive I have come to listen for the sound Of the trucks as they move down out on ninety five [Pre-Chorus 2] And pretend that it's the ocean Coming down to wash me clean, to wash me clean Baby, do you know what I mean [Chorus] I would rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham I would hold my life in his saving grace I would walk all the way from Boulder to Birmingham If I thought I could see, I could see your face If I thought I could see, I could see your face