
Anaal Nathrakh

Score: 8
Played: 42


Death metal
Black metal
Industrial black metal
Blackened death metal
Melodic death metal



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[Disclaimer: The lyrics shown here are transcribed by fans and members of the Genius community. They are not published, verified, or authorized by the band, and as a result, cannot be guaranteed to be accurate.] [Verse 1] As one, we marched alone Into nauseating neglect Like all good swine, we deserve our feed Gnawing long at oblivion's sweat By the end, we'll beg [Chorus] Take what small comfort there may be left Seize what you love and damn all the rest Panem, circenses, credulous descent A Gadarene charge into endarkenment Endarkenment Endarkenment [Verse 2] Why ask questions now? We know all we need to know (Nothing) Fuck you if you think I am wrong The answers I have are all the answers I need By the end, we'll beg [Chorus] Take what small comfort there may be left Seize what you love and damn all the rest Panem, circenses, credulous descent A Gadarene charge into endarkenment Endarkenment Endarkenment [Bridge] No light No flame No fear The demon is real By the end, we'll beg For someone to take away the light [Chorus] Take what small comfort there may be left Seize what you love and damn all the rest Panem, circenses, credulous descent A Gadarene charge into endarkenment The noble search over, no answers to find We retreat to dust, ignoble, sublime Nothing to reach for, the death of the mind Fuck all salvation, the truth is a lie Endarkenment
