
Secret Garden

Score: 7
Played: 17


Dawn of a New Century

Released: 09 Jan 2010


The song originates with a chanting chorus which has much melancholy and sadness not unlike a prayer. The sadness continues into midsong, where the haunting melody increases in volume. The background wind instruments are reminiscent of medieval themes. These instruments together with Fionnuala's soothing violin rounds off the masterpiece which soon diminishes quite abruptly towards the finale, leaving the listener in a plethora of wonder and thoughtful tranquility. --richardpeej


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Let your arms enfold us Through the dark of night Will your angels hold us Till we see the light Hush - lay down your troubled mind The day has vanished and left us behind And the wind - whispering soft lullabies Will soothe - so close your weary eyes Let your arms enfold us Through the dark of night Will your angels hold us Till we see the light Sleep - angels will watch over you And soon beautiful dreams will come true Can you feel spirits embracing your soul So dream while secrets of darkness unfold Let your arms enfold us Through the dark of night Will your angels hold us Till we see the light Let your arms enfold us Through the dark of night Will your angels hold us Till we see the light