Repeat It in Slow Motion


Score: 5
Played: 3


Electric Relaxation (Nu Chillout & Lounge Synthesis)





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[Black Screen] INT. AIRPLANE CABIN AIRPLANE PILOT Los Angeles Tower, this is Transworld two-two Heavy. We are going down. Repeat, engines two and…L.A. Tower, this is…Mayday.! Mayday! Two-two Heavy, pull up.! Pull up.! [Melodic Hindi prayer begins in Soprano as everyone on the plane panics. Everything is in slow motion with the center point of focus on Andrew.] INT. BEDROOM – MORNING TIME [Andrew wakes up from his nightmare and hears his father on the phone] GIDEON Andrew, this is your father? Hello? Look, you don't call me back. So I don't know how to do this. If you're not gonna return my calls...then there's no way for us to communicate. [Begins to cry] Look, I don't know how to do this...but you're gonna need to come home now. Last night...your mother died. Last night, Andrew. She drowned. Last night, she drowned in the bath. [Coldplay's "Beautiful World" plays.] INT. BATHROOM - CONTINUED [Andrew looks in the the mirror doors of his cabinet as they split his reflection in half. He then opens it to reveal the contents inside - an abundance of prescription drugs.] EXT. HIGHWAY [Andrews drives to his current job as a waiter, upon entering the parking lot, realizes a ripped off gas pump is stuck in his tank.] EXT. FANCY HOLLYWOOD VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT [In the kitchen.] MANAGER [Walks up casually but angry beside Andrew] Ten résumés just today. They come in every day from Idaho or Milwaukee or Florida. And you know what they want even more than a guest spot on Everybody Loves Raymond? They want your job. This cannot happen again. This will never happen again. You have two tables. You are 30 minutes late. And if I ever say this again, your job will go to...Todd Slauson from Duluth, Minnesota. INT. FANCY HOLLYWOOD VIETNAMESE RESTAURANT [Andrew makes his way to his table.] WAITER Sparkling or flat? VIETNAMESE MAN’S VOICE Waiter 10, do you have your earpiece in? You forget the order 41 for Table 101. YOUNG HOLLYWOOD GUY What the fuck, man? What, are you on break? Nah, I'm just messin' with you. Uh, we'll have four Ketel Red Bulls and... REELING GIRL [Gets off her phone to speak] And I'll have a Ketel cosmo with a Red Bull and some bread ASAP. ANDREW We don't have bread. REELING GIRL What do you mean, you don’t have bread? How can you not have bread? ANDREW Uh, we're a Vietnamese restaurant. We just don't have bread. REELING GIRL But you're not Vietnamese. ANDREW No, I'm not. REELING GIRL Can I have something to chew on? Fuck. Bamboo, whatever. ANDREW I'll see what I can find. [Turns and leaves.] VIETNAMESE MAN’S VOICE Waiter number 12. Flight Number 121 with nonstop service to Newark International will be departing from Gate 32.