Sea Calls Me Home

Julia Holter

Score: 21
Played: 88


Have You In My Wilderness

Released: 18 Dec 2015


“Sea Calls Me Home” is about moving away from things that trap you, the scary wonder in discovering freedom.


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[Verse 1] I don't need no one to follow, feathers full Get up early just to charm unwaking souls When the sea called me When the sea called me home [Chorus] I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear [Verse 2] It's no wonder they're shipping all my clothes Wear the fog, I'll forget the rules I've known Look in cloud's mirror When the sea called me home [Saxophone Solo] [Chorus] I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear I can't swim, it's lucidity, so clear [Outro] I hear small words from the shore No recognized pattern